What's Nearby
You can locate restaurants, businesses and other points of
interest near your hotel.
Must See
With so many prime sites nearby make sure that you take the time
to take in a West End Show and look around the museum, galleries, and
The West Bay Lagoon area.
Must Do
Shop till you drop at City Centre, spend time watching the street
performers in Al Dafna Area, Corniche area, and have a Traditional
drink of Qatar Karaq at the end of it all.
What's New
Legends of Al Dafna Constructions where it's planned to build 180
towers within the next 2 years, Pearl Island Construction area, an
artificial island will accommodate tens of thousands of Tourists,
Locals, and Expatriates around the year.
Don't Go Back Home Without
Dropping by ImSaeed area, where you can have the chance to ride
the most beautiful sand dunes in the world which inspired back all the
generations to create the most beautiful poems in Gulf Region.
Take the chances to see the biggest number of the oil and gas
pipelines and wells in Ras Laffan area.